Laerskool Tzaneen’s after school care centre is a safe haven for children whose parents have full day jobs.
The learners eat lunch in the hostel’s dining room and then go to different classes for the study session. Monday to Friday they have one hour study per day. Qualified teachers supervise and help these learners.
On Fridays there are no study. Learners can take part in extra-mural activities on the schoolgrounds in the afternoons.
The learners and teacher on duty will move down to the parking area at the rugby field at 16:30 and parents have until 17:15 to pick their children up. If a parent is late the teacher will take the learner to the security gate in Agatha Street where the security guard will meet them.
The after school care centre fee is R550 per learner. The after care centre is closed in the holidays. Please note: There is no after care on the last day of every term.
Application forms are available at the administration office. Me. Gerda van Rooyen can be contacted at 015 307 3602.