Willes Steenkamp

Mr Willes Steenkamp

Laerskool Tzaneen Primary has provided quality basic and holistic education for more than a century.  Now, more than ever are we striving to be a beacon of hope in a broken world.


Ons streef daarna om kampioen kinders te kweek, wat enige sekondêre skool se hart warm laat klop, om ‘n Larrie te kan toelaat. Boekkennis en blote memorisering van feite is nie hier goed genoeg nie.


Want ons weet:


Kinders leer wat hulle leef:

As ‘n kind met kritiek leef,

        leer hy om te veroordeel.

As ‘n kind met vyandigheid leef,

        leer hy om te twis.

As ‘n kind met bespotting leef,

        leer hy om sku te wees.

As ‘n kind met verdraagsaamheid leef,

        leer hy om geduldig te wees.

As ‘n kind met skande leef,

        leer hy om skuldig te voel.

As ‘n kind met aanmoediging leef,

        leer hy selfvertroue.

As ‘n kind met eer leef,

        leer hy om te waardeer.

As ‘n kind met sekuriteit leef,

        leer hy om geloof te hê.

As ‘n kind met regverdigheid leef,

        leer hy geregtigheid.

As ‘n kind leer om veilig te leef,

        leer hy om ongelukke te voorkom.

As ‘n kind met goedkeuring leef,

        leer hy om van homself te hou.

As ‘n kind met aanvaarding en vriendskap leef,

        leer hy om liefde in die wêreld te vind.

Children learn what they live:

If a child lives with criticism,

        they learn to judge.

If a child lives with animosity,

        they learn to fight.

If a child lives with mockery,

        they learn to be shy.

If a child lives with tolerance,

        they learn to be patient.

If a child lives with shame,

        they learn to feel guilty.

If a child lives with encouragement,

        they learn self-confidence.

If a child lives with honor,

        they learn to appreciate.

If a child lives with security,

        they learn to have faith.

If a child lives with fairness,

        they learn righteousness.

If a child feels save,

        they learn to avoid accidents.

If a child lives with approval,

        they learn to love themselves.

If a child lives with acceptance and friendship,

        they learn to find love in the world.



PO Box 171
13 Agatha street
Tzaneen, 0850

Tel: 015 307-3601/2
Fax: 015 307-4656

Email: info@lstzn.co.za

